If you have not already had your Covid booster, and are eligible for one, then there will be two sessions at The Victory Hall for walk in vaccinations.
Wednesday 15th November 2023 and Thursday 14th December 2023 - both 9:30 to 12:30.
There is no need to book. Boosters are for the over 65s, clinically vulnerable and immunosuppressed. Please do not attend if you are not eligible (you can check at www.nhs.uk/covid-vaccination or by calling 119).
13/11/2023 19:27:41
In view of the extremely high covid infection rates it has been decided to postpone the BINGO evening planned to take place on Saturday 22nd January 2022 and the Ferret Racing evening on Saturday 19th February 2022.
We realise this will be a disappointment to many but feel we cannot take the risk of spreading the Omicron variant throughout the village.
As soon as the level of infections reduce we will reschedule both events.
20/01/2022 16:31:13
With Covid racing through our Village and community, we have decided that holding our traditional Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols Service at High Bray Church just wouldn’t be responsible, putting our friends and neighbours at greater risk.
All of us are very disappointed, as that community celebration is a joyous part of our Christmas; but we’re looking forward to 2022!
With our wishes to all for a better and healthier New Year.
All Saints High Bray Church
18/12/2021 19:05:21
Please see attached notice from the Parish Council
17/12/2021 12:00:36
Please see the attached document from the Village Hall Committee
06/12/2021 17:48:18
08/04/2021 17:26:23
Due to the impact of Coronavirus over 5.5 million people are claiming Universal Credit. Many of them are new to claiming Universal Credit having been negatively impacted by Coronavirus.
Parish Councils have been asked to share the following guide on their website and/or social media to help local people navigate claiming Universal Credit.
Here’s the Universal Credit guide https://www.jobcentrenearme.com/universal-credit/
22/02/2021 15:28:56
Here's an update from Devon County Council regarding the COVID-19 situation, offering some helpful advice and hope for the future!
Devon County Council Update
22/01/2021 19:16:44
Please see document attached this article.
Coronovirus Vaccination Breifing provided by NHS Devon.
15/01/2021 19:35:45
Please see the attached regarding resumption of Parish Council meetings according to government guidelines.
13/10/2020 10:12:26
Steve Warren has done an excellent job of collating a list of helpful resources for parishoners during teh pandemic, including a list of support volunteers for those in need.
Please see the documents attached below.
01/06/2020 10:13:29