Road Closure from Goodleigh Cross to Thornpark Cross

Please see the attached noice from Devon Highways
Please see the attached noice from Devon Highways
Please read the attached document from Devon County Council.
Applies from Monday 7th to Friday 11th October.
Flash flooding is rare but can be very dangerous. Across Devon and Cornwall there are a large number of vulnerable communities.
Know what to do. Please read the attached article.
Please see the attached document
A361 North Devon Link Road
(Portmore to Borners Bridge Section)
Latest A361 NDLR Traffic Bulletin is attached to this post.
Please share with friends and family locally and add to local social media to increase circulation.
This can be shared, printed and added to noticeboards as appropriate.
For additional project information or to view the newsletter online, please visit our Griffiths in the Community website HERE
Lastest update from Griffiths Engineering regarding works to the North Devon Link Road:
Please see the attached PDF
To report potholes, blocked drains, fallen trees etc causing problems on the highways, there is a website provided by Devon County Council.
Reporting here is the most direct way to get the specific message to the right department in the council.
Devon County Council provide a mapping service of road closures, current and planned up to the next twelve months.
The service is free, although to see closures planned any further ahead than the next two weeks you need to create an account and sign in.
The website is here: One Network Devon