Map of Brayford and Charles Parish Paths.
Fantastic map of Parish Footpaths and Rights of Away available to download here.
Welcome to the community website for Brayford village, a rural parish in North Devon. This site is provided by Brayford Parish Council. Please feel free to browse the content.
It is the intention that the newsfeed on this site, highlighted on this homepage and in full here will become the "official" source of news to parishoners from the council.
Amongst the newsfeed we will provide important and useful links to other websites and "tag" article accordingly for ease of use and discovery!
Fantastic map of Parish Footpaths and Rights of Away available to download here.
In the millennium area and in other areas of the Parish, there is Hogweed, Hemlock, Ragwort and Water-dropwort - all highly poisonous and must be avoided - it can cause severe skin burning and blistering.
Today the upgrade works to pathway 1 & the new path parallel to the road were completed by the group of volunteers, Mark Padgham would like to thank Bob, Ferg, Norman, Malcolm, Mark L & Stuart for their efforts.
Also many thanks to Maxine for keeping us fed and watered.
The upgrade & the new path look great, just needs a final snag in a couple of weeks once it has settled. We have put in a temporary step in place while we await County Council support for new steps.
Following the General Election, as most of you will know we have a new MP.
Ian Roome.
You can learn more about Ian here:
and here:,on%20Thursday%2C%2018%20July%202024