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Christmas Shoeboxes for Ukraine

Christmas Shoeboxes for Ukraine

Many of you have the red shoeboxes handed out at the October Farmers Market and also at Anthony’s Quiz night. We are getting quite close to our deadline, when we will need to have these boxes back for collection and then transport to Ukraine. 

We are very grateful for anything you can do for shipment of Christmas boxes to Ukraine.

  • Would you please bring them either to the Brayford Chapel and leave them in the porch, or to the November Farmers Market at the Village Hall on November 12th. This will be the last day before they are collected at High Bray Church on Sunday, the 13th.
  • Even if you do not feel you can fill them, we would be most grateful if you can bring the empty boxes back.

Can you help by making a donation towards the expenses of getting the Christmas shoeboxes to Ukraine? Please contact Madeleine & Jonathan Brownell on 01598 710389 or come to the November 12th Farmers Market.

Please see the attached flyer for full information - supplies for Ukraine.

22/10/2022 21:09:35

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